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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Continuing on with the story from the Durer Tarot, from yesterday...today I drew the Knight of Wands, the Strength Card, and the 9 of Pentacles. And so the story goes....
The last images we seen were the 2 lions going in different directions. The Lion shows up in the Center card again, in the Strength Card. Knights always represent action, and the first card is the Knight of Wands, he is the 'don't fence me in' kind of man. He has his back straight, and appears packed and ready to move on, in a new direction. Without her. And he has a very prickly club to wack anything or anyone out of his way as he is going. There is a tiny splash of pink on his helmet, another tiny lion is wrapped in a pink cloth, looks like it is tied there to remind him of who he used to be, and he wanted to mount it there for all to see as he declares his independence. Pink, that would mean he has remembered what he loves, and is going in that direction. And today, he loves his freedom. He is looking one way and the horse is looking another. Seems he still has not found a partner that wants to go the same direction as he. And that may be what the next card tells us...

'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink', a decision is requiring determination and goes into a power struggle. This would say to me, that he will really have to fight to get whatever it is he is really wanting to do with his life. It also reminds me of Jacob wrestling with the Angel in the Bible. Sometimes our Angels take on other apperances, and we cannot see that what challenges us is a gift. (I question that daily, let me tell you.) The Course in Miracles teaches us that we are only sent Angels. We just do not know it. And have forgotten who we really are. I believe that. This man now is stipped of the shirt on his back and wears only a loin cloth, and a wreath of green vines of Victory. How funny, the man with a 'loin' cloth is wrestling a 'lion'. The lion is bigger and wilder. I would put my money on the Lion. But, we humans have immense power when we make up our minds to do something. And we can be fearless. He has gone for the Lions weak spot, his throat. By choking him, he loses his power, is reduced to jelly.

The lady appears in the cards now, she is the last one in the layout, calmly petting her Golden Eagle. She has found another way to accomplish what she desires. Seems she had read the book on manifesting, and has decided to go at this from another angle. Work less, and do more. She has her eyes closed and I see her in medidation. She focuses on what she desires and lets it come to her. The line of beautiful golden coins on the brilliant banner behind her, show off her accomplishments. She wears the latest fashion in her attire and even a fancy hat with a lavish plume. 'A feather in her hat.' She is quite successful, but has found another way to get what she wants. A very effective way. I think the story is this...

He is very Aries, and will fight to the Death to get what he wants. And uses Power and Ego to get it. She is quiet and gentle, and uses another kind of power to get what she wants. They are on different pages as far as a couple, but the cards do not tell us yet where this story goes. She may be waiting for him to show up and choose to take her on his journey wherever life is taking him. Or, she may be tired of his selfish antics and all the stunts he is pulling to show off in front of her, are not really working any more. He can walk around his loin cloth for someone else to ohhh over. She likes he companionship of her Golden Eagle. Who knows what he may turn into in the next layout of cards. Sort of like the frog turning into the Prince. We shall see....

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