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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
This year is 2014, so I have added it’s numbers up and it equals ‘7.’ Which is the Chariot Card in the Tarot deck. !!!  A divine card to have this year. Honestly.  Do you see all the images in this card?
Taking Action, Being in Control, the 2 horses give you a choice, which way? Either one is the right way. The Wings of a Angel….you are graced with focus and determination. No sitting on the couch this year, you will be up and moving, literally, moving….a new home, a new job, a new lover, something new, and if not what you want, on to what you do want. 


I have divided the Tarot Cards for each number of this New Year, 2,0,1,4. And we have :
The High Priestess
The Fool
The Magician
The Emperor
What a line up!  

The wisdom you have been adding to by, reading, studying, listening, knowing deep within your mind, that you have needed to keep a heads up attitude…..is now right there for you to call upon. Front and ready….
Don’t get so serious that you forget to have a bit of fun and make some crazy memories this year. Keep the camera handy, and take your friends and family up on impulse journeys, get together, zany birthday parties….follow you instincts, trust yourself, bring your dog alone and remember, the journey is really the lesson. The goal will be reached, then you will knock it up another notch, and off you go again. Keep that smile on your face and joy in your heart, that is what it is really all about.
Look what you have created! It has been simmering in the back of your mind, and you play with the idea….now, is the time to bring it out and tweak it, finish it, get it ready to be used, and in a big way. You cannot even imagine how far this will go, so don’t speak limits on it…just keep the faith and watch it go. You are talented beyond anything you have ever thought. And this year, you will have tools placed on the table of life right in front of you, and you will know how to use them, and how to bless and be blessed with them. A very good year. Go to some New Years Eve Party and really Party! This coming year will be worth dancing on the table with the lampshade on your head! Send pictures, please!   Linda

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