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Monday, March 05, 2007

Ah. Monday. Using the Tarot Sutra, I love the colors, & traditional images here. These would be cards I drew for myself today. Sorta dark, then that optimistic Ace. So, if I were to do the 3 way reading....

Best case scenario: An Angel wakes you up this morning, get to work, you have a great idea just sitting there. Get going, now. No nap time today.

Worst case scenario: Someone from your past, and I mean creepy, out of the depths of the grave, comes driving by, thinking he just might get lucky. Ha. I think not. Trouble, keep on going down the road, big boy.

Spiritual Lesson: You are waking up to how blessed you really are. And what a blessing you are. Some negative person will attempt to give you a reality check, but it's their reality. Don't listen. Keep focused, stay happy. Listen to music, sing. Keep going forward, don't look back. Follow the Angel......

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