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Monday, November 13, 2006

The Tarot of Reflections, created by Francesco Ciampi. Beautiful, vivid, and artistic. As a Seamstress and Designer, I really appreciate the details in the costumes, each card depicts.
I have no question today, just want to see what images surface from these 3 cards. I have the 4 of Wands, the Hierophant, and the Knave of Pentacles. At first glance, all three cards have their arm in the air, showing me something. The center card is a Major Arcana Card, it has a man that would represent the church, God, Universal Law, a Holy Card. He points upward, giving the Peace sign. His other hand clasps a staff, (thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me...Pslams23). The staff has the image of Christ crucified. Forgivness. Strong thick colomns, hold up the Temple, a scarlet red coat, and adornments of a Holy Priest catch my attention. The next card I see is the Knave dressed in eggplant purple, funky, upbeat. His hair spiked in dredlocks, his face intense, the pentacle looks heavy and solid gold. He has an idea, and will stick with it, see's the potential and is on a misson. And then I backtrack to the 4 of Wands, she holds the brides bouquet, wears a sexy laced gown, and a star shaped mask. Looks like she's at a wedding, celebrating, dancing, radiant. So, what would these 3 cards coming up together say......
Dance, celebrate, the Man upstair's, has your back, you have worked hard for this, party on.
Or maybe....A wedding, in a church, the word will soon be out. Or, since the Knave is the last card, it may mean the wedding would be secret, and you will hear about it after the fact.
Or....A celebration of a Holy day, Thanksgiving? Will bring forgiveness amoung family members, listen to what is not being said. That is the important message.
Also, if you follow your Spiritual Path, forgive, comfort, teach, you will reap the rewards of true happiness.
Whenever I see the Hierophant, He reminds me of 'Gods Will'. Like a Divine Sign that your'e on the right path. Nice to know that, you know.

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