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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Adding to the story from the previous cards, we have the 2 of Cups show up again, the Sun Card, and the Ace of Swords. So, our story goes like this....

The two together, happy and reconnected, have now remembered what they love about each other and found each other again. I would say they have met for dinner, maybe had details to talk about that were important. They touch, hold hands, connect, they look deep into each others eyes, and they wondered, why were we being so stubborn about wanting what we wanted that was really not that big a deal. Hours pass, and they are caught up in each other, and realize, this is what is really important, this is what I was looking for, and here it is, right in front of me. They leave together....

The Sun, they play, feed each other grapes, talk, laugh, relax. The Angelic part of themselves they had forgotten, now emerges and they know that whatever it was that seemed so important, now is minor. They are together. All is forgiven, that song, 'I can see clearly now, the rain is gone', is how they feel. The stormy pass they were going through is now just a memory. They are blessed, they have found what is real, and warm, and home. Going into the next card...

The Ace of Swords. Now they need to really talk about whatever the problem was. Honestly. I see the 2 tiny foxes in the card, safe under the mothers watchful eye. I would see the 2 little ones as the couple, and they have weathered the storm, now they are starting over, but gently. The older fox, I think would be a older mentor, someone that has lived long and would be nonjudgemental for them to go to for advice. They choose to come together and be 'one' again. But with better ground rules, and adding time to play. That seems to be the theme. They forgot how to have fun with each other, and got selfish and mad. Today, the cards say they are happy. And focused on fixing the problem, working through it. What they have seems to be worth hanging on to.

Appears they have learned they can accomplish more together than apart. And no one else out there can replace what they had. And they had more than they thought. So revel in it, enjoy it. Today is a good day for them in the cards. Let's see what tomorrow brings.....

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