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Sunday, April 30, 2006

I am going to finish up this story today. I ask what is the last chapter this couple goes through, is. Happy ending or no? I am still using the Durer Deck and drew the 3 of Wands, the Devil, and the Queen of Cups. Here we go...

From the last scene we see the man in pain, decieved and feeling like he has given all he has to the lady. Looks like they are not together now. Or ever again. He is taking a break from this mess. He has his boat out, and is out there alone thinking. Looks like he has erected a monument of sorts to what he has gone through. A rite of passage. He is getting in his boat, and going far, far, away.

The Devil is the strongest card here, and lets you know the couple ended on bad terms. No forgiveness, yet, no understanding of what went wrong. Both are hurt and angry. Both feel used. Both are looking a opposite direction. No togetherness here. Both feel like the sacrificial lamb. Maybe they both are right. I think they both had hidden expections going into this. Where is the honesty? Maybe we all have things we hope to get from the one we love. Maybe we cannot even tell them, because we don't realize it. But the stage is set, and the ones we love can really push all the triggers like no one else can. The Devil is actually one of the 4 Angels that are in the Tarot. He is the Fallen Angel, Lucifer. He rules the planet Saturn which is time, death, and fateful destiny. He brings out our shadow side, the dard side we would rather hide from everyone. He tests us. And he tested this couple. But insead of coming from a place of love and overcoming the test, they attacked each other and walked away. Well, let me tell you something, if you don't get the lesson now, it will come right back again, another way with another man and you will get the wonderful chance to make a different choice. So now...or later. Your choice.

This Queen is the gentle, sensitive one. She is finding solace in her drink. So, has she taken to dealing with issues though numbing them with something to drink? Her eyes are closed, she doesn't want to see the truth, and has had it with the boyfriend. Time out is a good thing. She at least is fully present in her card, he is distant and standing turned away. She is feeling the pain, and processing it. All she holds, beside the goblet, is a small purse. She didn't take much when she left. It really was not ever what she wanted from him. I wonder if they ever get together again and talk about what happened. I hope so. For both of them, this sucked. No happy ending here.

If this was a reading for a client of mine, and I drew these cards as the ending of this saga, I would try to get both of them to see what brought out the fears they both experienced with each other. This was real, and happy at one time. Maybe it was only meant to last for a short time. I don't know. But both made the choice to let it go. Moving on. Maybe the happy ending is ahead, but with different people. I hope so.....

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I had planned to post something on here each day, but have been sick with allergies. Sorry. I drew cards to add to the story I had started last week. Here is what I drew...the 10 of Pentacles, the 6 of Pentacles, and the 10 of Swords. The previous post ended on a good note. Things are about to change....

The man has become complacent. He has stopped trying to impress his lady and win her love. He feels like he has bought her everything she could ever want, why is she not happy? He thinks that by buying her 'things' he is giving her what she wants. Not true. He has been rather generous and it appears she has a beautiful home, money in the bank, all the comforts of life. But I see no cups in the group. He looks like he is sleeping, not at all aware of what she really wants. And she is no where here in the cards, she has withdrawn and is gone. He hasn't seen that she is gone yet.

This 6 of Pentacles says he has given and given, and whatever she wants, she could easily have. Except for his heart. His heart (spirit, symbloized by the bird in flight) is gone. Money is where his heart was. One the bottom coin the Lion of Leo stands out, so he appears very proud of what he has accomplished, and is generous with it. But sorta in a way that draws attention to him. Again, he gives to get attention, and not out of love. They seem to not talk. Just make assumptions. Bad idea.

He has now seen the light. Like the light at the end of your life and the tunnel is before you to go in a completely different direction. A Death of sorts. Pain is a great catalyst. He is flat on his back in pain. And his money and everything he owns isn't helping him get help. The Swords can represent mental anguish. And this looks like he is in misery. He feels betrayed, stabbed in the back and left out in the cold. She is gone, and he has his stuff. But that is all he has, and stuff will not hold you at night. I think he is remembering things she said, things she ask for, like little things that didn't cost anything. And he was just not interested. He went outside and sat by himself. Counting his money. Sad. This lesson is for him, as he is here alone, she is somewhere else. I will see if the Tarot tells us where she went, and if she is coming back. Tomorrow....

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Adding to the story from the previous cards, we have the 2 of Cups show up again, the Sun Card, and the Ace of Swords. So, our story goes like this....

The two together, happy and reconnected, have now remembered what they love about each other and found each other again. I would say they have met for dinner, maybe had details to talk about that were important. They touch, hold hands, connect, they look deep into each others eyes, and they wondered, why were we being so stubborn about wanting what we wanted that was really not that big a deal. Hours pass, and they are caught up in each other, and realize, this is what is really important, this is what I was looking for, and here it is, right in front of me. They leave together....

The Sun, they play, feed each other grapes, talk, laugh, relax. The Angelic part of themselves they had forgotten, now emerges and they know that whatever it was that seemed so important, now is minor. They are together. All is forgiven, that song, 'I can see clearly now, the rain is gone', is how they feel. The stormy pass they were going through is now just a memory. They are blessed, they have found what is real, and warm, and home. Going into the next card...

The Ace of Swords. Now they need to really talk about whatever the problem was. Honestly. I see the 2 tiny foxes in the card, safe under the mothers watchful eye. I would see the 2 little ones as the couple, and they have weathered the storm, now they are starting over, but gently. The older fox, I think would be a older mentor, someone that has lived long and would be nonjudgemental for them to go to for advice. They choose to come together and be 'one' again. But with better ground rules, and adding time to play. That seems to be the theme. They forgot how to have fun with each other, and got selfish and mad. Today, the cards say they are happy. And focused on fixing the problem, working through it. What they have seems to be worth hanging on to.

Appears they have learned they can accomplish more together than apart. And no one else out there can replace what they had. And they had more than they thought. So revel in it, enjoy it. Today is a good day for them in the cards. Let's see what tomorrow brings.....

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Continuing on with the story from the Durer Tarot, from yesterday...today I drew the Knight of Wands, the Strength Card, and the 9 of Pentacles. And so the story goes....
The last images we seen were the 2 lions going in different directions. The Lion shows up in the Center card again, in the Strength Card. Knights always represent action, and the first card is the Knight of Wands, he is the 'don't fence me in' kind of man. He has his back straight, and appears packed and ready to move on, in a new direction. Without her. And he has a very prickly club to wack anything or anyone out of his way as he is going. There is a tiny splash of pink on his helmet, another tiny lion is wrapped in a pink cloth, looks like it is tied there to remind him of who he used to be, and he wanted to mount it there for all to see as he declares his independence. Pink, that would mean he has remembered what he loves, and is going in that direction. And today, he loves his freedom. He is looking one way and the horse is looking another. Seems he still has not found a partner that wants to go the same direction as he. And that may be what the next card tells us...

'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink', a decision is requiring determination and goes into a power struggle. This would say to me, that he will really have to fight to get whatever it is he is really wanting to do with his life. It also reminds me of Jacob wrestling with the Angel in the Bible. Sometimes our Angels take on other apperances, and we cannot see that what challenges us is a gift. (I question that daily, let me tell you.) The Course in Miracles teaches us that we are only sent Angels. We just do not know it. And have forgotten who we really are. I believe that. This man now is stipped of the shirt on his back and wears only a loin cloth, and a wreath of green vines of Victory. How funny, the man with a 'loin' cloth is wrestling a 'lion'. The lion is bigger and wilder. I would put my money on the Lion. But, we humans have immense power when we make up our minds to do something. And we can be fearless. He has gone for the Lions weak spot, his throat. By choking him, he loses his power, is reduced to jelly.

The lady appears in the cards now, she is the last one in the layout, calmly petting her Golden Eagle. She has found another way to accomplish what she desires. Seems she had read the book on manifesting, and has decided to go at this from another angle. Work less, and do more. She has her eyes closed and I see her in medidation. She focuses on what she desires and lets it come to her. The line of beautiful golden coins on the brilliant banner behind her, show off her accomplishments. She wears the latest fashion in her attire and even a fancy hat with a lavish plume. 'A feather in her hat.' She is quite successful, but has found another way to get what she wants. A very effective way. I think the story is this...

He is very Aries, and will fight to the Death to get what he wants. And uses Power and Ego to get it. She is quiet and gentle, and uses another kind of power to get what she wants. They are on different pages as far as a couple, but the cards do not tell us yet where this story goes. She may be waiting for him to show up and choose to take her on his journey wherever life is taking him. Or, she may be tired of his selfish antics and all the stunts he is pulling to show off in front of her, are not really working any more. He can walk around his loin cloth for someone else to ohhh over. She likes he companionship of her Golden Eagle. Who knows what he may turn into in the next layout of cards. Sort of like the frog turning into the Prince. We shall see....

Friday, April 21, 2006

This is the 3 Card Layout, and the cards I drew today were from the Durer Tarot Deck. The 2 of Cups, the Tower, and the 2 of Wands. The Beloved Tower. I almost put these back in the deck and redrew. But no, I think I will just sit with this and see what comes from these three cards. The first card that stands out is the Tower. Appears two people are grasping at each other, as something they have built together comes falling down around them. A third person is jumping from, or being blown out of the top of the solid stone house. This reminds me of the Titanic movie, when they said that was a ship that would NEVER sink. And it sunk. This looks like a house that is solid, rock solid, and it is destroyed. By fate? By an electrical bolt from a storm? And it's placement in the 3 cards, is second. So, they first card is happy, they are sharing everything, they are soooo happy, and care free. Then, in a moment, everything changes. Black storms pound their life and they just stand there in shock. They make it through the storm, but just barely. Going into the next card, another 2, you see 2 lions. Has this Tower experience turned them into beasts? One of them has his claws out and is reaching for something foriegn to him. A prickly porcupine. And completely out of his reach. The other is snarling and walking away, they are not holding each other any more. They are wanting different things, and their choices are very opposite. Are the two battered posts what was left from the home, and a few scattered rocks, the left over bricks that once held the home together? I am tempted to draw more cards to see where the story is going, but not today. Tomorrow. And I will see where the cards show me the once happy couple, go. For the next 7 days, I will keep this story going. And use the same deck.
I started a Tarot Group last night at the Library here in town. Had a wonderful turnout and alot of fun! I rebooked the room for next month. So we will be meeting in the Santa Fe Room from 6-9, in the Library Center on Kansas, on Thursday evening, May 11.
I thought it funny, that out of that many people attending the class, no one had the same deck. That just represents how different each one of us is, and what we are interested in. Yet we share an interest in the Tarot. How cool.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

This deck is the Labyrinth Tarot by Luis Royo. It is so beautiful, and soft, the Major Arcana have vivid details, erotic images. The Minor Arcana are traditional in keeping the symbols of the element, and just arranging them in different sequence as they move up from Ace to 10. I think using this deck, makes you use your intuition more. You don't depend on the pictures for information, you use whatever floats up and whispers to you. Then you add the images from the Major Arcana and the Court Cards, and you have a different spin on the interpretations. Today I drew 3 cards at random. The King of Spades (Swords), the 6 of Spades (Swords), and the Moon. While scanning these, I came upon a picture of my brother Randy,(my daughter Johnna was here last weekend and scanned a pile of family pictures to copy.) Strange (maybe not,) that Randy and these cards came up on the screen one after the other. He died in a car wreck 10 years ago. He was such a pistol. I feel him around me, and seems he is hanging out today. If I were to read these 3 cards as what would Randy have to say to me, it would be....

I stand at the front door, I watch over you. I am protecting you, I am as fierce in death as I was in life. A warrior, a protecter, always armed and dangerous. Where you are going is bringing up mirrors from the past, this 6 of Spades would say you are in a calmer place, and you can see light up ahead. Tread lightly, the Moon still rules your world, and nothing is as it seems. Pray, relax, wait. He reminds me of one of the howling dogs, baying at the moon. He was loud and full of life. I see all the blues and the gold in the layout, and with the Moon so strong, the only Major Arcana card here, it would say, stay put, you are depressed and wanting to break free from what you 'think' is holding you back. But wait.

Here is his picture, he was my baby brother. I love you, Randy.

Friday, April 07, 2006

These are the Princesses of the Lovers Path Tarot by Kris Waldherr. These chicks are the messengers of the Tarot. When it comes to getting the messages across, they get the job done. They each have their own realm to rule over, and it would be...

The Princess of Arrows, she rules the Air realm. She is the little spy that watches every move and reports the details, in living color. She welcomes changes, rushes to meet them. She has a red ribbon flowing in the wind, that would accent her passion for her place in the Court cards, and her love of being the messenger that carries the words you just might not want to hear. Sometimes her messages are one's that stir you to action, or anger, or revenge. She rules the mind, so she can play mind games like a pro.

The Princess of Coins...she is all about the money, security, and what's up at work. She has all kinds of ideas of how to improve on just about anything, and make money doing it. She loves to create, and make things happen. She is patient, and knows that money will come. She also loves books, and school. College. Furthering her education, of course, to make more money!

The Princess of Staves. She is on the go. She reminds me of the old time mail carriers, on a schedule and with her hair on fire. She will bring you messages of important news, things to act on RIGHT NOW. She is the only one of these four that is on a horse. She looks like Joan of Arc, on a mission.

The Princess of Cups. She is the tender, sweet messenger. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, and tends to sugarcoat the contents of whatever she needs to say. She may talk with art, or symbols. She hears messages from the 'other side'. She is the Channeler of Spirit. And the comforter of the four.

Each have a talent, and use it well. When they come up in a reading, it can mean many things being talked about, or discussion being placed on the table from all these different angles. Watch them show up in your readings, they have something for you to hear. Gossipy little group, they are.

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