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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Tower, the 7 of Cups, and the 5 of Wands......

I had drawn these cards on Sunday. Drew the same ones twice, and didn't like them, so I just stuck them in the middle of the deck and decided to wait write in here. Then, the tornado sirens start, and it was quite a night here in Mo., I think they said over 100 tornados came and went through out the night, all through this state. Hence, the Tower. No ones favorite card, and with these other 2 cards, rather confusing. Ah, on Monday, now I know why. A real mystery as to where the next tornado was going to fall and at one time there were 5 on the ground in just this area. Alot of praying going on here. And being answered, as to how much damage was done, and how many people were hurt, it was a miracle.

Just glancing at this group of cards, after the fact, I see this Angel cringing as she is flying, her charges in a panic, and even the children terrified. The Lady in Red holding the sheet with the choices, reminds me of the blankets we had stacked to cover outselves with, should we need to. And the five wands clamoring for attention, 5 tornado warnings going off at one time, also that rooster crowing on the top of the building, it would appear we needed to wait until morning to assess the damage. This deck I used is 'The Golden Tarot' by Kat Black. Beautiful and very Renaissance. I love it, but I certainly didn't like what it was predicting. Be careful what you ask for, sometimes the information is right on, however not what you really want to hear. Today, the sun is shining, and I am grateful to be here. Very grateful.

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