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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Saturday night, I have the Celestial Tarot by Kay Steventon, soft colors flowing easily from one card to the next. A handbook of the heavens and an oracular guide to the inner life....this deck uses the minor arcana as constellations of the stars. An astrologers dream. I just drew at random, sort of in a mellow, sad mood tonight, and got these cards: The High Priestess, 3 of Pentacles, King of Cups, and 3 more right below the others....King of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, and the Princess of Swords. Quite a party of personalities.An intuitive take on this batch would be...Three people would be in this dance together, 2 men and 1 woman. Another woman is at the side, an angry woman, one that knows the bitter winds of winter bring her news she doesn't want to hear. The Priestess appears as a graceful dancer, flowig with the music that no one hears but herself. She works silently, those watching see nothing, but much is taking place. Two men walk abound the Queen of the deep, and neither have her heart. She meditates on what the Priestess has taught her, 'silence is wisdom, and meditation is power'. Sometimes to say nothing is the best answer. The Priestess dances beneath a sheer veil, topless and erotic she is, her skirt, just a wrap of deep blue wisking about her as she moves. A divine mystery, her power is silent, and profound. Both Kings would bring gifts to lay at the Queens feet, but she looks away. What she desires is yet to come. Sorry boys........and the mad princess, you can have them both. Go play now......

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