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Friday, January 06, 2006

Someone told me the moon has been in Pisces, well I guess so. Talk about crap from the past crawling out of the back yard and sitting right on the door step. And I do try sooooo hard to be Spiritual, full of love and light. Well, today, I am just not even close. I just randomly threw cards from the Universal Waite Deck, and look what I got: 4 of cups, 8 of swords, 3 of pentacles, ace of wands, THE DEVIL, and finally the Sun. I think I am the devil today. I am really angry about a situtation I have NO power over, and so identify with the chic sitting by the tree in that 4 of cups card. She feels despair, stuck, what else can I do to fix this, and the 8 of swords screams, NOTHING. That bald guy in the 3 of pentacles is looking at the little workaholic, (me), as if to say, Stop. Go take a nap, do something else, pray and let it go. Then, suddenly that Ace of wands shows up, the Devil is holding it, so there is an answer, but it doesn't look to wonderful. But, this child on the Sun card is saying, Trust, trust, trust. It is all going to be good. Even great. May take a week to get there, but even the Angels need time to fix some things. Oh me, of little faith. I trust the cards more than I do the situtation. So, I will just go have lunch with a girlfriend, and relax. The devil is the fear card for me, and the sun is letting me know that all the shadows will be gone soon, and I can go out and play, and watch as this works itself out in a wonderful way. Just call me PollyAnna.

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